The Horizon Group
A discussion and spiritual development group
- At Frances Hodgkin’s retirement complex on level 5
- Meeting weekly for seven sessions
- Mondays from July 1 to August 12 at 2 pm
- Led by Fr Hugh Bowron, with other speakers also

Session 1 – 1 July
Introduction to what is proposed for the Horizon group. Why the title "Horizon group?" – at retirement we come to the horizon of our lives in which we garner the wisdom of what has happened to us so far, we appreciate the fruits of our lives, and we anticipate what is yet to come. Then Using my time well – the choices I have made about recreation and the volunteer groups and societies I belong to. Learning options - Solitude, being able to be alone, self-acceptance.
Relating to others – the wisdom I have learned about getting on with other people, dealing with difficult people, appreciating people who are different to me. The conclusions I have come to about love.
Session 2 – 8 July
Health – how to find joy of heart and radiance of spirit when living in the kingdom of aches and pains. Learning patience with physical limitations – dealing with anxiety and depression. The long span of our years now thanks to the medical revolution – what is coming up next in expected medical break throughs? Guest speaker Dr Anna Holmes, palliative care specialist.
Session 3 – 15 July
The Grey power revolution – the demographic changes in New Zealand society that will soon make the retired the most numerous group - implications for retirement age, pensions, taxation, health care policies and financing, immigration, politics. What then will be left of youth culture?
Session 4 – 22 July
Don’t forget to remember me - the human brain as it ages, a medical explanation. Good strategies when our memory isn’t what it was. How to relate to people with dementia – current research, treatment options and care strategies. Who am I apart from my memories? Guest speaker Chris Maxwell, nurse practitioner.
Session 5 – 29 July
Making a good death, an outlining of current end of life care options in the context of a visit to the hospice and a presentation from a palliative care doctor. Why pain control is so effective now? Guest speaker Dr Anna Holmes, palliative care specialist
Session 6 – 5 August
Organising my send off – the importance of making a will, coming to terms with unresolved wounds from the past and relationships that need repair – forgiveness the balm of the soul – what is involved in receiving the last rites – how planning your funeral now helps the living – what makes for a good funeral.
Session 7 – 12 August
The life of the world to come – the hope we live by as people of faith - the door Jesus opens – God’s summing up of my life - the content and characteristic activities of the life of heaven. Reflections on what we have covered in the meetings of the Horizon group.
57 Baker Street, Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand +64-3-455-3961 : or e-mail us